International Musicological Society Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA)
5th Biennial Conference, 18-20 October 2019
School of Music, Soochow University, China
The International Musicological Society Regional Association for East Asia (IMSEA) warmly invites all music researchers to submit proposals for our fifth biennial conference, to be hosted by the School of Music at Soochow University, China. We welcome all topics of musical scholarship, including those reflecting historical, ethnographic, analytical, sociological, and cognitive methods,and would especially like to encourage presentations of an inter-disciplinary and/or inter-regional character. Participants need not currently reside or work in East Asia.
Our region is one of the fastest growing in the discipline of musicology, and features diverse yet distinctive native musical traditions as well as rich histories of intercultural encounters and a strong international consciousness. We look forward to offering a rewarding environment for intellectual exchanges among scholars from a wide range of backgrounds.
Keynote speakers:
James Currie, University at Buffalo
Nan Yun, Beijing Normal University
Categories of proposal
1.Panel: Three papers of 90 minutes or four or five papers of 120 minutes. Panels involving researchers from different regions and/or areas of specialization are particularlyencouraged. The organizer of a panel should act as the corresponding author and submit the proposal as a package that includes the abstracts of each paper as well as an overall description of the entire panel.
2.Individual Paper: 20 minutes in length
3.Poster/Media Display: A0-size poster or desktop display.
The language for proposals, presented papers, and posters is English.
To avoid online problems, please submit at least 24 hours before the deadline.
Please complete the appropriate submission form, downloadable through the links at the bottom of this page, according to the category of your proposal, and e-mail it as an attachment to the following address: imsea2019@gmail.com
Maximum length of abstracts: 250 words for each individual abstract and panel description.
Notification of accepted submissions: around 1 May 2019.
Program Committee:
Hui Yu, Chair (Yunnan University)
Meng-Tze Chu (National Tainan University of the Arts)
Fuyuko Fukunaka (Tokyo University of the Arts)
Youn Kim (University of Hong Kong)
Kyung Myun Lee (Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)
Organizing Committee:
Yen-Ling Annie Liu, Chair (Soochow University)
Gavin Lee (Soochow University)
Daniel Wu (Soochow University)
For inquiries, please contact Jen-Yen Chen, Chair, IMS-EA Steering Committee, at jenyenc@ntu.edu.tw.